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Writer's pictureks-secondary

Wednesday Morning, October 12

Parents, please help your 11th grade students to do well on the PSAT. Help them to get a good night's rest on Tuesday, October 11 and a good breakfast on October 12.

Kui Shan School uses a broad range of assessment tools to find out how well our students are learning. In the 11th grade, one of the most important assessment tools is the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, or PSAT. As the name suggests, the PSAT is designed to be similar to the SAT and accomplishes two goals for KSS. First, the PSAT helps each student to know their strengths and weaknesses and provides them tools to improve. Second, the PSAT helps our school to know how effective our student learning is compared to students around the world. This informs us on how we can improve our educational program.

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