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The 1st Kuei Shan Bilingual Festival Ended in Success

Writer's picture: ks-secondaryks-secondary


2021年5月31日至6月3日,台北市奎山雙語辯論社在高逢銘老師和Mrs. Burrow老師指導下,舉辦了「第一屆奎山雙語節」比賽,內容包括演講、說故事、詩歌朗誦以及辯論等多項雙語(中文、英文)競賽。此活動的目標是鼓勵奎山學生達到國際文憑學習者培養目標,成為善於交流、勤於思考、知識淵博及胸襟開闊的學習者。僅管活動因應疫情改為線上舉行,參與本次比賽的選手仍非常活躍,計有三十多名來自六年級到十一年級的奎山學生參賽。經過四天激烈競爭,六年C班鄭喬勻和九年A班賴亮圻分別榮獲國中與高中雙語演講冠軍,七年B班黃瀞瑩及九年A班張安亞分別榮獲國中與高中雙語說故事冠軍,六年C班陳映彤和九年A班張安亞則各榮獲國中與高中雙語詩歌朗誦冠軍。在辯論比賽方面,六組辯論隊伍在經過三小時激烈的廝殺,由九年A班魏敬純、賴亮圻及張安亞所組成的「Pwaa!」隊在決賽中勝出,奪得冠軍寶座。明年期望在疫情平復後,能舉辦實體的「奎山雙語節」比賽,給各位參賽者更完善的舞台,展現各位的雙語能力。敬請大家拭目以待。

The 1st Kuei Shan Bilingual Festival Ended in Success

In the last week of May 2021, the Kuei Shan Bilingual Debate club hosted the 1st Kuei Shan Bilingual Festival under the supervision of IB DP language teachers Mrs. Burrow and Mr. Jerry Kao. The event features speech, storytelling, poetry reciting, and debate competitions. The competition aims to encourage Kuei Shan students to become knowledgeable and open-minded thinkers and communicators. Even though the event was held online due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the participants were still very enthusiastic. Over 30 students ranging from 6th to 11th grade participated in the event. After 4 days of competition, 6C Bella Cheng and 9A Iris Lai won 1st place in junior and senior bilingual speeches respectively. 7B Genie Huang and 9A An-Ya Chang won 1st place in junior and senior bilingual storytelling respectively. 6C Evie Chen and 9A An-Ya Chang won 1st place in junior and senior bilingual poetry recitation respectively. In the debate competition, six teams competed intensively over 3 hours and team “Pwaa!”, formed by 9A Cherry Wei, Iris Lai and An-Ya Chang, finally defeated another competitive team in the finals and won the championship. Hopefully, the Kuei Shan Bilingual Festival could be held physically next year after the pandemic ends. In order to give the contestant a better stage to show their language skills. Please look forward to next year.

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