About IB in Kuei Shan
a blog about our learning and teaching in MYP/DP programs...
The International Baccalaureate Program (IB) aims at constructing a globally collaborative community of learners, educators, and school leaders through a gesture of welcoming challenging ideas and progressive thinking. This aim can effectively network education-related professionals and students in order to support each other’s learning journey.
Four features are foregrounded in an IB Education: learner-centered,effective teaching and learning approaches, global contexts, and significant content. Teachers at Taipei Kuei Shan School constantly challenge ourselves and reflect on how we make each teaching practice an impact on individual students through engaging them with global issues and critical thinking.
The ten features highlighted in the IB learner profile function as a great reminder for everyone at our school. We are to encourage one another to:
(1) build up and maintain healthy relationships with different local and global communities
(2) go beyond personal academic and/or career success to taking responsible, reasoned and ethical judgements on a daily basis
(3) explore and assure rich personal and cultural identities.
We believe that an IB education can bring hope not only to the world and its learners, but also to dedicated educators, for its commitment to striking a balance between educational theories and practices, as well as to treasuring growth mindset in various aspects (from the perspectives of learners, teachers, school leaders and administrators, and even parents).
More thoughts upon IB educational theories and practices in our blog posts!

Taipei Kuei Shan School
No. 200, MingDe Rd, BeiTou District., Taipei Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel: +8862-2821-2009
Fax: +8862-2820-5790